Archive for December, 2008

New Years Eve

December 31, 2008

Hi All. Seasons Greetings and I hope you had a great Christmas. I hope that on the big day, anything within arms reach was drunken and eaten before you slipped into a food coma.We had a small contained warm up for our NYE party the other night. It was mainly because I only got one day with my very good friend Chris who was over from Sydney. It was partially also to test the slushie machines I have on extended rental arrangement from Leon the Slushie guy. They are pretty dope industrial granita machines made in Milan. We tested one of the 2 with a mix of 3 litres crisp apple, 3 litres Red Bull, and 2 or maybe 3 litres of vodka (can’t remember). But it all worked out nicely. Much riding of bikes and skateboards in the mancave and driveway ensued. So it should be a cracker party tonight with both machines on the go, the other with an orange mango concoction. We also have a contact with a large stash of fireworks, we all also have small caches of China’s finest cheap over the counter pyrotechnics so hopefully we will see in the New year with a bang. Mike Lawrence has called that at 10 minutes past midnight we are to start the worlds first Wii Mario Kart Championship of 2009. I’m inclined to agree. Santa also kindly delivered me Shaun White’s snowbarding game which is also awesome. 

On the riding front it’s been pretty chill, everyone has been recharging the batteries and hanging out. We did do a TFT ride last night at Tank Farm with a stripped down core crew which was really fun. I will drag the photos off my camera soon but in the meantime here is a snapshot of the mancave transformed for slushie madness:






Steadyxmas everyone!

December 24, 2008
Steadyrollin' wishes everyone a merry xmas!

Steadyrollin' wishes everyone a merry xmas!

Mike Tricking at the T.F.

December 24, 2008

ALst night is was belting down so we had a little ride up in the TF with Mike, Pepe and Frank.

There has been a bunch of attention on the news clip for Tires of Fire. Definitely going to step it up next year and do a city tour with that one, stay tuned. I hope you all have a great Christmas, and if you are keen to ride off the turkey overload on boxing day – lets go for a ride. I’ll be in touch with the crew via SMS to see who is around. I get a full 2 weeks off work from now so I’m keen to get as much riding amd filming down as possible. I hope to see you out there – have a great holiday and ride safe!

More Shots from Tires of Fire

December 23, 2008


Kevin from FOTOArte sent in some shots from the jam. I have all Simeon’s shots but have to resize them.








If the rain holds off we are going to have the last TFT before Christmas which should be cool. I just got an email from Mike Davies from Skull Bike Club that he can’t come ride tonight because he just got burgled. What is it with Christmas crime? SUCKS. Mike says to say if you see any Mike Giant hoodies or Quake Air Max’s to take a photo of the wearer and let us know.

Mike Lawrence, Pepe and Jeff went for a spin around the shore today but will be back to ride tankfarm. Hope to see you soon.

New World Record Skid!

December 22, 2008

Tires of Fire went really well yesterday. TV3 News came along and shot the contest and ran a cool segment on prime time sports news. Not bad! Ken White AKA Beans nailed it form the start and skidded his way to a new unofficial world record skid of 270 metres! Jeff Whiteford got 2nd place with 205m and Mike Lawrence got 3rd with 195m. Nick – AKA Boon was there on a modified MTB with a HED front wheel. He was putting in a solid effort to defend his title but Ken just destroyed it. Next year I want to get it listed and measured so we can try and officially beat the world record. Danger and Jenna came down from Omaha so Danger could get his tires smoking. He ended up 4th place. Such a fun day. Jay Reeve from MTV was on the mic and was hilarious and also managed a longest skid of 155m on his track bike. Mike Davies, Woz man and Boon were all a little disadvantaged in riding modified single speed MTB’s – the track bikes had the day. In the end – Ken was skidding faster than the MTB could coast. Justin Sweeney also held it up with a stack of long skids – and as the events creator deserves big ups for the day.

















Below are some shots from Hagan Hill from his Flickr, you can check out the lot at:








Big props to Brendon for taking  the spill at the end of the clip. And to Mike Simpson for destroying himself and his cruiser doing some of the most flamboyant skidding I have ever witnessed. Thanks also to Tim White for the spot prizes of tires and for his awesome retro BMX outfit:




Red Bull Tires of Fire Location

December 19, 2008

I’ve got you a google Earth image and a rough set of directions how to get there.


It’s in Albany Industrial Estate, so head North over the Bridge on the motorway and get off at Upper Harbour Drive (next after Tristram Ave) and turn left . Then carry on for about 1km then turn on your first right into Paul Matthews Road. Then at the roundabout hang a left then first right at the next roundabout into William Pickering Drive. Carry on down and turn left at the roundabout into John Glenn Ave and you are there.

When you get there, as you drive up turn around and park your car on the left side of the road (pointing down)- not the right. The distance markers are on the right side and we ned to leave a full lane free for skid zone. Everyone gets the same run up which is around 90m and the course is marked to 115m past the start point. If you go over that – we will mark new points and sing your praises as lord of all that is skid. looking forwarc to this it should be alot of fun! Thanks to Mike Lawrence and Triple Six, and Tim WHite of T. White’s Bikes for the deal on tires. Simon Courtney from Deflux and the head of the Christchurch Chapter did the logo for us. Thanks Si!

Come on down at 12pm on Sunday and register and get one of these nifty spoke cards:



Mike Lawrence in Welly

December 18, 2008

Mike recently had a business trip down to Wellington and managed some time to ride with the crew down there – here is his post:

Last week I was down in Wellington for work. I was talking with Hayden before going down and he said he’d get some of the local boys together and we could go for a spin. So thats what we did. We had amazing luck with the weather and procceded to tear around the lower city. It is a super good city to ride in with lots of things to keep you entertained. I think a SteadyRollin roadtrip is in order for sure. Thanks to Hayden for getting everyone together and to Jack, Tom and Mike for making me feel welcome and for rolling. Here is a bunch of pics of the boys getting rad and hanging. Check out the sweet artwork on Hayden’s helmet done by the man himself. See you again soon. – Mike












Red Bull Tires of Fire!

December 18, 2008


THIS SUNDAY! The skid contest of the year! Easy rules – longest (continuous / unbroken) skid wins. Track bikes, fixie conversions, single speeds, BMX’s cruisers – ANY bike as long as it’s got no gears. But beware- the BMXicans are good at this. Justin Sweeney held the first Tires of Fire almost 2 years ago and the BMXers were getting over 100m on 20″ bikes! The road is pretty flat with only a slight decline. Everyone gets the same run up to the skid start line and it’s measured in 5m increments down the road. Replacement tires as spot prizes and the grand winner will win a years supply of Red Bull.

The resplendent Jay Reeve from MTV will be manning the mic as MC when he is not skidding his track bike himself.

We will play the semis and finals as we go. But come at 12pm to register and get your spoke card and get warmed up to set fire to some tires. 

It’s in Albany Industrial Estate off William Pickering Drive. The exact location will be posted on Friday with a map on how to get there. I reckon bullhorns, a huge chain ring and some nice slick silicone compound tires like Gatorskins. Hope to see you out there!


December 17, 2008










We got rained on a bit but TFT was fun last night. It was cool to see new faces too. Justin and Gaz are Brits living here now- the Bridgestone belongs to Gaz from Manchester.

Tuesday and it’s SUNNY

December 16, 2008





Hagan Hill sent me a link to his shots – some dope ones here.

If anyone wants to send in photos feel free

It looks like the weather will hold off and I think TFT is in order. Hopefully see you down at Vodafone around 6:15 for a bit of a ride. It’s been a while.